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ADvTECH videos


Understanding our key strategic objectives

ADvTECH Schools - Brand videos

ADvTECH Tertiary - Brand videos

Video overviews and virtual tours of ADvTECH’s brands, facilities and student experiences

Watch these videos and virtual tours to gain insight into our sites, building facilities, offerings and differences in the student experience at our various brands.

If you would prefer to arrange an in-person site visit or brand engagement, please send your request to investorrelations@advtech.co.za

You can also find more in-depth tours and information about our brands on their respective websites.

Schools division overview

Find out more about our recently developed schools sites

See why students choose the ADvTECH schools experience

Find out about what makes ADvTECH schools different

Private university / tertiary division insights

Our Tertiary division brands in a nutshell

See first hand what our tertiary students experience

More about Rosebank College’s graduate placement programme, with Lilian Phiri-Bususu, graduate empowerment programme manager 

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