A blue and white adtech group logo on a white background.

Purpose and values

Purpose & values

Statement of purpose

We aim to BUILD and grow a highly capable organisation in education, training and placement that is widely recognised for passionate commitment and success in enriching people’s lives and futures.

We aim to GROW a reputation for our ability to make a real difference to the people we serve, for our connectedness and partnerships with African and global market players, for the relevance, quality and usefulness of our offerings, and for the enterprising and agile ways in which we approach our task.

We will ACHIEVE this by focusing on our customers and taking a lead from our markets, by our innovative approach, especially in harnessing the power of technology, and by striving for excellence and sustainability in all we do.

Our values

The values which matter to us most are:


Through our own ethical conduct, practices and policies we seek to set an example to our learners, students and clients.

People centredness

Sound education and placement depends

on empowered and successful human

interaction on a personal level.

High quality

We aim to create and add quality in

everything we do.


By using resources wisely, and within the

means created by our income, we aim to

ensure that our organisation continues to

serve future generations.

Caring and responsible leadership

We take special responsibility for the people, especially young people, who are students, clients and employees, by our example and by caring for their safety and needs.

Respect, diversity and inclusion

Respect all and embrace diversity.

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