ADvTECH Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1990/001119/06)
Share code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035
(“ADvTECH” or “the Company”)
In terms of paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements (“JSE Listings Requirements”), the following transactions, in respect of which prior written approval pursuant to paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements have been obtained, is hereby disclosed.
Name of Director: | RJ Douglas |
Designation: | Chief Executive Officer |
Nature of transaction: | Off-Market acceptance of shares by participants to be obtained at future vested periods in terms of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share Incentive Scheme (MSI). |
Number of securities: | 354 177 |
Date of Award | 21 May 2021 |
Class of securities: | Ordinary |
Price of share: | R13.61 |
Total value of transaction: | R4 820 348.97 |
Date of transaction: | 11 June 2021 |
Nature of interest: | Direct beneficial |
Name of Director: | JDR Oesch |
Designation: | Group Commercial Director |
Nature of transaction: | Off-Market acceptance of shares by participants to be obtained at future vested periods in terms of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share Incentive Scheme (MSI). |
Number of securities: | 213 120 |
Date of Award | 21 May 2021 |
Class of securities: | Ordinary |
Price of share: | R13.61 |
Total value of transaction: | R2 900 563.20 |
Date of transaction: | 11 June 2021 |
Nature of interest: | Direct beneficial |
Name of Officer: | FJ Coughlan |
Designation: | Prescribed Officer |
Nature of transaction: | Off-Market acceptance of shares by participants to be obtained at future vested periods in terms of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share Incentive Scheme (MSI). |
Number of securities: | 145 127 |
Date of Award | 21 May 2021 |
Class of securities: | Ordinary |
Price of share: | R13.61 |
Total value of transaction: | R1 975 178.47 |
Date of transaction: | 11 June 2021 |
Nature of interest: | Direct beneficial |
Name of Officer: | DL Honey |
Designation: | Prescribed Officer |
Nature of transaction: | Off-Market acceptance of shares by participants to be obtained at future vested periods in terms of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share Incentive Scheme (MSI). |
Number of securities: | 203 759 |
Date of Award | 21 May 2021 |
Class of securities: | Ordinary |
Price of share: | R13.61 |
Total value of transaction: | R2 773 159.99 |
Date of transaction: | 11 June 2021 |
Nature of interest: | Direct beneficial |
Name of Officer: | MD Aitken |
Designation: | Prescribed Officer |
Nature of transaction: | Off-Market acceptance of shares by participants to be obtained at future vested periods in terms of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share Incentive Scheme (MSI). |
Number of securities: | 181 993 |
Date of Award | 21 May 2021 |
Class of securities: | Ordinary |
Price of share: | R13.61 |
Total value of transaction: | R2 476 924.73 |
Date of transaction: | 11 June 2021 |
Nature of interest: | Direct beneficial |
The date of vesting is 21 May 2024.
11 June 2021
Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited