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SENS Announcement | 27 May 2020

ADvTECH Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1990/001119/06)
Share code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035
(“the Company” or “ADvTECH” or “the Group”)


ADvTECH achieved a 10% increase in enrolments for 2020 compared to the prior year with both Schools and Tertiary divisions experiencing good growth. This, together with the efficiency improvements achieved in the Schools division, and with a solid performance by the Resourcing division, resulted in the Group delivering a strong financial performance for the first quarter to 31 March 2020. This level of performance, however, will not be sustainable for the remainder of the year as a result of impact of the national lockdown on the economy.  

ADvTECH continues to monitor the ongoing regulatory environment and we are preparing for various scenarios for re-opening our schools and tertiary institutions. Our readiness plans are advanced. We have drawn on local and global best practise on how to open our schools in a responsible manner. 

Our duty remains the provision of the highest quality education, across all educational divisions, in such a way that students are all able to participate and benefit, while remedial and ameliorative actions have been instituted for those not able to participate optimally. A key component of our online offering lies in pastoral care, where the pastoral care teams set up at each school ensure that our parents and students receive ongoing guidance, support and nurturing on an individual basis.

We transitioned to a full online offering at the beginning of the lockdown. Our focus has been to ensure that staff and students have the best remote working and learning experience. Because we have leveraged off our existing licences, we were able to scale to meet demand for more users, without having to incur significant capital expenditure. 

Collections were circa 20% lower in April compared to the same month last year - with a shortfall of collections of approximately 30% in the Tertiary division and 10% in the Schools division. While collections continue to be challenging, month-to-date collections for May are 10% below the same month last year, with both the Tertiary and Schools division’s showing a reduced shortfall compared to April 2020. We have instituted individualised interventions to support those who have been negatively impacted as a result of the lockdown. To date, at a cost of R24 million, ADvTECH has assisted 5 386 families, whose ability to pay full school fees was impacted by COVID-19. 

In the rest of Africa, the Group has adopted a similar policy as in South Africa. We have implemented on-line programmes to support continuous education. However, the adoption rates are lower than in our schools in South Africa - although there are signs that this is improving. 

Currently, to a large extent, we have been able to cushion most of our employees and stakeholders from any major impact as a result of the lockdown. We have, however, had to implement stronger action in our Resourcing division where business activity has been reduced dramatically owing to the downturn in economic activity.

We are finalising preparations for a phased return as of 01 June 2020 while also continuing to offer online teaching to those students that are not ready to return to the classroom. The relevant protocols and necessary equipment are in place and our schools are ready to receive our students. The safety of our employees, learners, and students and staff is our primary concern. 

We’ve had average attendance of 95% on our online classes. Our staff have received positive feedback on the quality of the programme and their engagement levels, to the extent that we have witnessed some new intakes during lockdown. Unfortunately, we have also experienced some leavers particularly in the lower grades where more parent supervision is needed, and in some instances where it is no longer affordable for parents. 

For a number of years, we have been applying the use of some online learning in campuses to supplement face-to-face learning. This has prepared our faculty to deliver in a digital environment and allowed for a seamless transition to our online offering.  

Our more than 40 000 campus-based students have transitioned to an integrated learning management system, with quality assurance and accreditation for all our qualifications. Low data requirements are standard for our solutions. Students were also provided with data and reverse billing to enable access to learning material and engagement.

We have found lower levels of engagement in the tertiary institution than at the schools, as more discretion can be applied at a tertiary level. As we begin to transition back to contact classes from the beginning of June, these students will be our priority. We want to avoid as many as possible from foregoing the academic year. Additional, mid-year enrolments are unlikely to materialise and the dropout rate at the tertiary level is also likely to increase.

Recruitment activity reduced dramatically. The South African recruitment business has been severely affected by the pandemic, and the significant reduction in business activity has forced us to take stronger action in order to preserve cash. 

We have had to introduce short-time and skeleton staffing arrangements to make payroll savings. We have also negotiated rental reductions and other cost savings with suppliers as we attempt to ensure that we can sustain the organisation through this very difficult period. These changes have been well planned and executed by the Resourcing management team. The cuts have been implemented across the board on a graduated basis to lessen the impact on the lower earning level employees.

The strategy of market and geographic diversity has proven to be valuable for the Resourcing division. Our rest of Africa operations have been relatively unaffected. We have continued normal operations and, to date, the results are very pleasing. Consequently, the combined Resourcing division remains viable despite the extreme difficulty faced in the South African market.

Financial update
Management has given due consideration to the effect that the COVID-19 pandemic could potentially have on the financial position of our business and its solvency and liquidity position. We have considered the business environment, the expected outcomes of the economic environment on our stakeholders, on fees and collections, as well as the capital expenditure needs of the Company in the short to medium term.

In addition to the revenue losses in the Resourcing division, we are experiencing losses on boarding fees, extramural and aftercare fees, as well as some de-registrations. While our business is mainly fixed cost based, we have worked tirelessly to curtail any discretionary costs and any variable costs which we can forego without harming the business and livelihood of all our stakeholders while also making use of the allowances available from Government. These include conferences, travel, cleaning, water and lights, printing and other consumables. These costs savings, however, will amount to far less than the lost revenue. While the immediate challenges need to be navigated, the aim and focus is relentlessly on ensuring ongoing organisational sustainability. We will incur some costs to make the schools safe and have all the necessary protective equipment in place. 

We presented our sensitivity model to our Board to test different scenarios to inform our capital management plans, and have implemented a series of cash preservation measures, including curbing non-essential capex until visibility improves. The Group does not foresee spending more than R300 million in the current financial year on capex. 

The cashflow impact is at this stage difficult to quantify, and while there is no doubt that this crisis will have a material impact on the Group’s earnings, our sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the Group has significant capacity to navigate this crisis within its existing facilities.  

While the situation remains challenging, we believe that we have done the best with what is within our control, and the rollout of well thought out business continuity measures will allow us to continue to minimise the impacts. We have maintained a strong balance sheet, and our capital expenditure containment measures are sustainable. 

The Board and management therefore remain satisfied that the Group has significant resilience to navigate this crisis within its existing facilities.

Board meeting outcomes

Dividend decision 
Shareholders are advised that the Board has met to consider paying a dividend or a share buyback in lieu of dividends as advised in the annual results announcement published on SENS on 23 March 2020. 

In the current environment and with the heightened level of uncertainty, the Board decided not to declare a final dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 or to undertake a share buyback. The Board also do not consider that declaring an interim dividend for 2020 would be appropriate due to the lack of clarity on the economic outlook and the effect of COVID-19 on our business and operations over the medium term. 

Amendment to Special Resolution 1: Non-executive directors’ fees
Considering the current financial environment and uncertainty, the Board has resolved that the fees payable to non-executive directors will not be adjusted for the period July 2020 to June 2021. Accordingly, the Company will no longer be asking Shareholders to adjust non-executive directors’ fees. 

The Board has resolved to amend Special Resolution number 1 to read: 
Section 66(8) (read with section 66(9)) of the Companies Act provides that, to the extent permitted in the Company’s MoI, the Company may pay remuneration to its directors for their services as such provided that such remuneration may only be paid in accordance with a special resolution approved by Shareholders within the previous two years.

These requirements are echoed in King IV and the JSE Listings Requirements. The Company’s MoI provides that the directors shall be paid such remuneration as determined from time to time by a general meeting. 

After consultation between the Board and management, and notwithstanding feedback on the benchmarking of fees payable to non-executive directors, it is proposed that no increase in non-executive directors’ fees for 2020 be tabled at the AGM as the Company conserves cash owing to COVID-19; and that fees be payable quarterly in arrears for the period July to June of the following year.

Special resolution number one
“Resolved that the payment of the following fees to the non-executive directors for their services to the Company for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, as well as any Value Added Tax (“VAT”) payable on such fees by directors be and is hereby approved, with a 20% premium being payable to non-resident non-executive directors:

The amendment of Special Resolution number 1 from the AGM does not affect the proxy form already submitted/or to be submitted in respect of other resolutions to be presented at the AGM.

If a Shareholder has already submitted voting instructions or forms of proxy, prior to the publication of this announcement, such voting instructions or forms of proxy will remain valid, unless the Shareholder submits new voting instructions or forms of proxy.


It is too early to offer any new financial guidance, as we will need greater certainty of the economic impact of COVID-19 on all our operations. What we can assess is that there is a general slowing in collections, and we expect debtors due to increase, which is likely to lead to increased bad debts and a greater level of provisioning for doubtful debtors, as well as some withdrawals due to financial hardship. The Group believes, however, that its business and brands are well positioned to continue to grow in the future, because more operating efficiencies can still be achieved.

For the past three months we have been working on our plans for our ADvTECH Online School concept, which we aim to launch in January 2021, and we have recently appointed our first online school principal.

We have learnt a great deal as a Group, developed new material and skill sets that will prove to be invaluable in the future. But what is most notable, is that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided the organisation with a valuable test and opportunity to develop our business in a post COVID-19 world.

Any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement have not been reviewed nor reported on by the Company’s auditors.

27 May 2020


Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

ADvTECH Updates

By Tamara Thomas February 20, 2025
Africa’s leading private education group, JSE-listed ADvTECH, has launched South Africa’s first dedicated Centre of Teaching and Learning Excellence, focused on driving excellence across all educational phases in the country. The centre will be the first of its kind, centralising continuous professional development training across both schools and tertiary phases. Named SIRIUS (after the brightest star in the sky), the centre will be a dynamic learning space, dedicated to facilitating relevant micro-courses and workshops to enhance teaching practices and promote the continuous professional development of the group’s teachers, lecturers, research and supervisors across its 119 schools and 33 tertiary campuses. “SIRIUS will serve as the central hub for educational excellence. ADvTECH teaching and academic staff will be provided with the innovative resources, support, and professional development opportunities, both online and in-person, that they need to consistently excel and drive student growth and performance,” says Desiree Hugo, SIRIUS Schools Head. “SIRIUS will be a dynamic learning space which will focus on specific areas of practice to support and improve student learning and results, as great teaching can be learned,” she says. SIRIUS will therefore play a key role in supporting educators in schools and tertiary to deliver on the academic excellence promise of ADvTECH. Hugo says the center will support ADvTECH’s academic leadership positioning by: Implementing tools for teaching and learning innovation aligned to global benchmarks; Driving continuous development of teaching and academic practices that will attract and retain top teachers and academics (lecturers, researchers and supervisors); Leveraging research projects to inform and operationalise internal best practices, and Capacitating teaching and learning skills for improved student academic outcomes. SIRIUS modes of delivery will include in-person training at the SIRIUS Hub, online real-time facilitation, and curated online resources for independent self-study. “We are very excited about the development of our dedicated teaching studio in Sandton, which is specifically designed to facilitate the teaching of 21st century pedagogies,” says Hugo. The studio will facilitate in-person learning of up to 60 delegates at a time, in a relaxed atmosphere with modern and inspiring spaces equipped with flexible furnishing and cutting-edge technology. It will include inclusive and functional features, such as a coffee bar, collaboration spaces, and resource centre, as well as a dynamic teaching space that can be adapted to accommodate the various educational phases. SIRIUS Tertiary Head, Dr Gill Mooney, says the center will ensure that ADvTECH has a strong and sustainable pipeline of excellent teaching and learning professionals to support the group's growth imperative, to further solidify its sector leadership position now and into the future. “By centralising and leveraging skilled and scarce teaching and learning resources, we will be able to further drive excellent academic performance, as well as attract and retain top talent for both our schools and tertiary division, given the extent and accessibility of developmental opportunities. We like to call this empathic empowerment, where all our academics and teachers have the opportunity to shine,” she says.
By Tamara Thomas February 3, 2025
ADvTECH LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number: 1990/001119/06) Share code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035 (“ADvTECH” or “the Company”) BOARD CHANGES: RESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT In accordance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, shareholders are hereby advised of the following changes made to the composition of the ADvTECH Board of Directors (“ADvTECH Board”) and its committees: Mr. Monde Nkosi (‘Monde’), a non-executive director and member of the Investment, Nominations and Remuneration Committees will resign from the ADvTECH Board, effective 28th February 2025. Monde, who is an Investment Director at Value Capital Partners, joined the ADvTECH Board in 2021 and has made a valuable contribution during a period in which ADvTECH has grown its footprint, delivered substantial returns to shareholders and expanded its positive social impact. The Board extends their sincere appreciation to Monde for his commitment and valued contribution during his tenure as a non-executive director and wishes him well in his future endeavours. Mr. Daniel Smith (‘Dan’), who currently serves as an alternate director to Monde, will be appointed to the ADvTECH Board as a non-executive director, and a member of the Investment, Nominations and Remuneration Committees, effective 28th February 2025. Dan has over 20 years’ experience in investment banking in South Africa and internationally across multiple industries. Dan currently holds the position of Group Chief Financial Officer at Lesaka Technologies Inc., a NASDAQ- and JSE-listed fintech group.  The Board congratulates Dan on his new role and looks forward to his continued contributions. 3 February 2025 Johannesburg Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited
By Tamara Thomas January 23, 2025
This year’s International Day of Education (Friday 24 January) spotlights the theme AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation. The day emphasises the transformative power of education in fostering social impact through personalised digital learning, says Desiree Hugo: Academic Head at ADvTECH Schools, Africa’s leading private education provider. As artificial intelligence reshapes educational landscapes, retaining the best practices of the past, combined with personalised digital learning, becomes essential in addressing diverse student needs, she says. “Given this context, it is imperative that educational institutions invest in educators' professional development, to equip teachers with the skills necessary to integrate AI tools effectively, to enhance individualised learning experiences. Personalised learning not only tailors educational content to suit each student's pace and style, but also encourages critical thinking and creativity.” This approach empowers teachers and students to navigate technological advancements while retaining their autonomy and agency. Hugo says in line with international best practice, the ADvTECH Group continues to invest in the delivery of superior technology and enhanced teaching and learning, thereby providing the roadmap for the development of future-focused education on the African continent. “We encourage all educational institutions, as we celebrate 2025’s International Day of Education, to also seek to elevate teaching practices, create and integrate systems to improve learning outcomes, and create and optimise academic support systems. “Let us reaffirm our commitment to harnessing education as a force for social good, ensuring equitable access to quality learning opportunities that prepare students for a rapidly evolving world.”
By Tamara Thomas January 23, 2025
Following the release of the 2024 Matric results this week, countless students are in a position where they can – or are forced to – reconsider their plans for 2025. For those who did better than expected, new doors will have opened. For others, their initial study plans may need to be reviewed due to their marks not fulfilling the requirements of their chosen qualification. Regardless of an individual’s position, it’s important to know how to move forward, an education expert says. “In the wake of receiving their results, it is important for all Matrics from the Class of 2024 to pause and consider the way forward. Even if your results don’t impact your initial plans, it is still advisable to make sure you know you are on the right path,” says Peter Kriel, General Manager at The Independent Institute of Education , SA’s leading private higher education provider. SCENARIO 1: YOU DID BETTER THAN EXPECTED Kriel says the first thing to do if you did better than expected is to enjoy the moment and celebrate your success. “Take pride in your achievement and recognise the hard work and dedication you put in. In preparation for future successes it is also important to reflect on your methods: Think about what strategies worked for you. Did you follow a study schedule? Did you use specific study techniques? Understanding what contributed to your success can help you in future endeavours,” he says. Then consider your options and plan your next steps. If you have a better than expected endorsement on the National Senior Certificate, you may want to reconsider your initial plans. “If you applied to a higher education institution to study in 2025, contact them immediately and find out if there is space available in a programme that you would rather follow but did not previously qualify for. “Alternatively, explore other options to check for available space. In South Africa, public universities and private higher education providers must all register as higher education providers and the qualifications they offer are all subject to a unitary form of accreditation. This means that there may be a world of options now open to you, which you may not even have been aware of.” SCENARIO 2: YOU DIDN’T DO AS WELL AS EXPECTED Kriel says it is very important to stay positive and not panic. Performing below par is a temporary hurdle, not the end of the road. “It’s natural to feel disappointed, but remember that one set of results does not define your future. Reflect on what happened and understand where things went wrong. Was it a lack of preparation, anxiety, or difficulty with certain topics? Identifying the problem is the first step to improvement going forward,” he says. If your poorer performance didn’t impact your National Senior Certificate endorsement you are probably also set to go. Your reflection on what went wrong is now more important than ever to ensure that you don’t make the same mistakes going forward. However, if you applied to study next year and you now no longer qualify to follow this route, you have to act quickly to plan how you will get to where you planned to be in the first place. “Remember, all doors are not closed – you may just need to follow a different route. One really good option is to enrol for a Higher Certificate at a reputable registered and accredited higher education institution. The advantage of doing this is that once you have successfully completed the Higher Certificate, you will be able to continue with degree studies in your chosen discipline.” It is important to keep in mind that both successes and failures are part of the learning process, Kriel says. “Use them as opportunities to build resilient adaptability and develop a growth mindset by believing in your ability to grow and improve. A growth mindset can turn challenges into opportunities for learning and development. “Your final school exam results are an important milestone, but they are just one part of your academic journey. Whether you did better or worse than expected, there are always steps you can take to continue growing and improving. Celebrate your achievements, learn from your experiences, and stay focused on your future goals. Remember, with determination and the right mindset, you can overcome any challenge and achieve your dreams.”
By Tamara Thomas January 21, 2025
JSE-listed ADvTECH has set a new record for academic excellence in the 2024 IEB examinations across their 119 schools. ADvTECH’s pass and bachelor’s degree pass rates for 2024 were 99% and 90% respectively, with 3 622 distinctions at an average of 1,8 per student. Additionally, 20 students were recognised by the IEB for Outstanding Performance and 10 for Commendable Achievement. “We congratulate our students, our schools and our teachers on this remarkable set of results.” says Desiree Hugo, academic head of ADvTECH’s schools' division. Hugo commented that the outstanding performance was the result of a number of initiatives introduced across the Group in the past few years. These include a strong focus on artificial intelligence driven teaching and learning. ADvTECH’s schools' brands include Crawford International, Pinnacle, Trinityhouse and Abbotts.
By Tamara Thomas January 14, 2025
With their 2024 IEB Matric exam performance, JSE-listed ADvTECH Schools and students have set a new precedent for academic excellence in the country. ADvTECH Schools not only performed better than the national average, but also improved on its own stellar results from the year before. The ADvTECH IEB pass rate for 2024 was 98,75% compared to the national rate of 98,47%. The group’s results were also better than the 2023 pass rate of 98,58%. 2044 students sat for the 2024 IEB exams. ADvTECH’s Bachelor Pass rate of 89,46% was also up from the previous year, and higher than the national IEB average of 89.37%. ADvTECH students achieved 3 622 distinctions. “We congratulate our students, our schools and teachers on this remarkable achievement,” says Desiree Hugo, Academic Head: Schools Division at ADvTECH. Hugo says the outstanding performance across ADvTECH’s 119 schools – which include brands such as Crawford International, Pinnacle College, Trinityhouse Schools and Abbotts College – was the result of significant advances introduced across the group in the past years. These include a strong focus on data-driven teaching and learning, which allows for individualised learning paths and interventions. “The increase in percentages may look small on paper, but they represent a significant number of individuals who have reaped the rewards of their hard work paired with the support of international best practices in education,” Hugo says.  Noteworthy performance of individual ADvTECH Schools included: · Crawford International Sandton 4,3 average distinctions per student · Crawford International La Lucia 3,3 average distinctions per student · Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge 2,6 average distinctions per student · Trinityhouse Little Falls 2,5 average distinctions per student · 20 ADvTECH Students were recognised for Outstanding Performance by the IEB · 10 ADvTECH Students were recognised for Commendable Achievement by the IEB
By Tamara Thomas December 13, 2024
During the December holidays, parents and guardians of 2025’s Grade Ones have a monumental milestone to look forward to – that of their child going to big school for the first time! In the coming weeks, before the school doors open in January, parents have a valuable opportunity to ensure children start their academic journey on a positive and strong footing, an education expert says. “Transitioning from preschool to the more formal primary school setting is a significant milestone for both children and their parents. This change can bring about feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, but with intentional preparation, parents can help their children embark on this new educational journey with confidence,” says Desiree Hugo, Academic Head: Schools Division at ADvTECH, Africa’s leading private education provider. Hugo says it is important to set a positive tone in the coming weeks, to help students prepare emotionally so that they can embark on their new chapter with the right mindset, ready to enjoy their academic journey from the start. “There will be lots of excitement around the practical preparations such as selecting school uniforms, gathering supplies, and getting to grips with new routines next year. But in addition to the logistical aspects, parents can also smooth the transition to help their child navigate the new environment. To that end, parents can start practising the mindset for success right away,” she says. Manage expectations As parents, it is important to manage our expectations, says Hugo. “Allow your child to make mistakes and learn from them, rather than pushing for achievement and perfect outcomes at all costs. In the next few weeks, help your child develop independence and confidence by taking small steps towards self-care, such as dressing themselves and organising their belongings. Celebrating efforts, even when they fall short of perfection, fosters resilience – both at home and at school.” Foster perseverance Young children may feel frustrated when they struggle with tasks. It’s essential to teach them the value of persistence and the importance of continuing to try despite difficulties. “Instead of immediately stepping in to resolve issues, parents should offer guidance and encouragement, to help their child build confidence in their own abilities.” Promote positive play Starting Junior school marks a crucial social development phase where children learn to engage meaningfully with peers. Parents should encourage kindness and inclusivity among their children, which are vital for emotional growth and confidence. “It can be tough out there for children as they start encountering challenging situations and peers. These early years start marking the time where parents can’t just always step in and remedy the situation, and where students need to start understanding how to navigate challenges themselves. To build conflict-resolution muscles, roleplaying various scenarios with toys or games that involve taking turns and dealing with frustrations can help children practise social skills necessary for making friends and resolving conflicts,” Hugo says. Encourage curiosity A natural curiosity about the world is fundamental for learning. “Parents should nurture this by engaging in conversations about their surroundings during outings, ask questions of your child, do not just supply answers. Research indicates that children benefit significantly from interactive discussions where both parties question, listen and respond thoughtfully. “Encouraging reading and exploring topics together can further enhance this curiosity.” Develop healthy routines to build resilience While there is little to no homework in the early years, parents should put aside some time every day to focus on the day’s activities, by talking over what was done in school during the day and reading together. “Young children will start getting into a natural routine of building upon what they’ve learned. By making this a fun and enjoyable experience, and a positive family interaction, they will start to associate learning with empowerment, which will pay dividends down the line when the workload does start to grow.” In addition to setting up a daily ‘connection’ routine with positive associations right from the start, parents should also help their children build the skills which will be required from them later in their school careers. “Children need a healthy diet, plenty of sleep and exercise. Unhealthy habits and routines can quickly start to show in a child’s general disposition and academic engagement, so establishing good habits – including limiting screentime – is key. “By fostering connection time, parents will build trusting relationships with their children, so that when something may be troubling them, they reach out to their parents as their first line of support and care.”
By Tamara Thomas December 4, 2024
In an era where technological advancements are transforming every aspect of our lives, the educational sector is no exception. While innovation and technology have the potential to revolutionise learning, it is crucial to remember that not all change is inherently good, and tradition plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of education, an education expert says. “Despite the rapid evolution of educational technologies, certain foundational skills and knowledge remain indispensable. Reading, writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving are timeless components of education that transcend technological advancements. These skills are essential for students to navigate a complex and ever-changing world,” says Dr Andre Abrahams, Deputy Dean: Academic Development and Support at The Independent Institute of Education , SA’s leading private higher education provider. Dr Abrahams recently delivered the keynote address at the International Conference on Education Research (ICER), hosted by The IIE, wherein he made the case for the importance of balancing innovation with tradition. Technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), has the potential to significantly enhance learning outcomes. AI tools can automate administrative tasks, provide personalised learning experiences, and make education more interactive and engaging. For instance, AI-powered adaptive learning platforms can identify knowledge gaps and offer customised content to students, improving their learning outcomes, he notes. “But while technology can replicate and supplement traditional methods, it cannot replace the human touch that is essential for holistic education. Good pedagogy, which includes building positive relationships with students, providing emotional support, and fostering critical thinking, remains at the core of effective teaching. “Activities like read-aloud with physical books, for instance, continue to hold a special place in education, promoting a unique connection with literature and fostering a sense of community among students.” On the other hand, traditional educational practices do have their limitations, says Abrahams. “They often fail to engage students with varied learning preferences, leading to a one-size-fits-all approach that can leave some students behind. Additionally, traditional methods can sometimes hinder the discovery of new information and solutions to fundamental issues, and they may control who is allowed to produce ideas and what is considered scholarly knowledge. “These shortfalls highlight the need for innovation and adaptation in the educational system.” BLENDING TRADITION WITH INNOVATION The key to effective education lies in striking a balance between tradition and innovation, says Dr Abrahams. “Blended learning environments, which combine traditional teaching methods with modern technological tools, are showing promising results. These environments allow teachers to focus on complex teaching duties and direct student interaction while leveraging AI to handle repetitive tasks such as grading and tutoring. “Tradition serves as a reminder that not all change is good simply because it is new. It cautions us against the allure of novelty and fashion, encouraging us to evaluate technological advancements based on their true value rather than their novelty. This balanced approach ensures that we do not sacrifice the essential elements of education in the pursuit of innovation.” By leveraging the best of both worlds, we can create an educational system that is both modern and inclusive, ensuring that students receive the foundational knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world, says Dr Abrahams. “Tradition is not a hindrance to progress but a guiding light that helps us navigate the complexities of modern education with wisdom and caution. As we embrace technological advancements, it is crucial to do so with caution to promote equity, fairness, and inclusion. Development and progress should be accessible to all, not just a select few. “By designing technology with diverse students in mind, we can ensure that digital fairness and inclusion are prioritised. This approach emphasises that the goal should not be to be the first or the fastest but to create a system that is equitable and beneficial for everyone.”
By Tamara Thomas December 2, 2024
Bullying in the workplace is a problem that is more common than one might expect. Office bullies create a toxic environment and cause significant stress for their targets or the broader office community. However, it is not always easy to identify certain behaviours as bullying, especially when they are subtle and veiled behind professional facades. “An attitude where a colleague adopts a sense of self-importance and unofficial authority can sometimes cross into the realm of adult office bullying. Individuals with this mindset often feel entitled to monitor, correct, or control the actions of their peers, even when they lack the formal authority to do so,” says Peter Kriel, General Manager at The Independent Institute of Education , SA’s leading private higher education provider. He says this self-imposed hierarchy can lead to behaviours that undermine the autonomy, confidence, and contributions of colleagues. The person may criticise, belittle, or "advise" under the guise of support, but the effect is often to enforce their own dominance and diminish others' value within the team. “Such attitudes can be harmful even when unconscious, as the underlying implication is that their peers are less competent or need guidance. Over time, this approach erodes trust and morale, creating an environment where others feel disempowered, stressed, and undervalued, which aligns with forms of workplace bullying,” says Kriel. BONA FIDE BEHAVIOUR OR BULLYING? Kriel says the following scenarios can provide clarity about whether a colleague’s behaviour is legitimately intended as support or guidance, or whether it has crossed over into bullying: Bullies frequently target others to diminish their credibility, which can include criticising, questioning decisions, or making others seem incompetent. They may “sabotage” work by withholding information or resources, setting their targets up to fail. Office bullies often manipulate situations to their advantage. They may take credit for others' work, spread rumours, or even lie to tarnish someone’s reputation. This behaviour serves to isolate their target and create doubt in the minds of colleagues. When bullies hold a position of power, they might misuse it to control others. They might micromanage excessively, impose unrealistic expectations, or demand work at a moment's notice to instil a sense of fear and inferiority. Some bullies portray themselves as victims, justifying their actions by saying they are defending themselves or the organisation. They may suggest that their target is untrustworthy, lazy, or hostile, painting a picture that shifts sympathy toward them and away from the true victim. Verbal abuse, sarcasm, belittling, and even silent treatment can be common tactics. Although physical intimidation is rare, office bullies may use non-verbal cues like glares, sighs, or dismissive gestures and even constant correction to intimidate others subtly. A bully might engage in gaslighting, where they make the target question their own judgment and sanity. They may downplay their actions or suggest that the target is overreacting, leading to self-doubt in the target and confusion about the legitimacy of their concerns. “Since bullying is simply wrong and, in many instances, explicitly prohibited in company policies, it is essential to address the behaviour constructively and assertively. Doing so would include documenting incidents, setting firm boundaries, seeking support, and escalating the matter to senior management. There are also many online resources that can guide you once you have identified that you are a victim of bullying,” says Kriel.  “But the first step towards addressing problematic behaviour is to be sure about what you are experiencing and being able to label it. If you are clear that you are not being over-sensitive or over-reacting, but that you are in fact the target of a bully, you can start putting in place strategies to address and resolve the issue.”
By Tamara Thomas November 26, 2024
ADvTECH Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1990/001119/06) Share code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035 (“ADvTECH” or “the Company”)  STRATEGY DAY AND SITE VISITS Shareholders are advised that ADvTECH will be hosting a CEO Strategy Presentation today, Tuesday, 26 November 2024 in Sandton, followed by campus site visits in Pretoria. The presentation will focus on Group CEO, Geoff Whyte’s forward vision and strategic direction for the Group. The presentation is now available on ADvTECH’s website, www.advtech.co.za . 26 November 2024 Johannesburg Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited
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